The Pigs
Little Dude
I’m a laid back dude who prefers human companionship over others.
I love naps! But occasionally you can see me running and barking in the yard.
Are any of you big brothers? I love being a big brother to Anna and Elsa!
I enjoy a good mud bath. Every day on the farm is a spa day!
I’m strong, assertive, and brave. You can call me “Queen Elsa”!
I’m bold and determined. I wear my sassy pants proudly.
I’m cordial but stand my ground. I also like to compete for belly rubs.
I’m a sweetheart with great energy and love my belly rubs.
I have limited hearing so I’m very chatty and loud. I love to sleep in pig puddles.
I’m a sweet boy, but very shy. My belly almost touches the ground when I walk.
Tyler "Big Papa"
I’m the father of all of Kim and Annette’s piglets! I like to nap and lay in front of the fan.
I’m a loving momma, but can also be feisty every now and then.
I’m one of Annette’s piglets born here at Barn after the North Carolina rescue. I love being able to grow up with my siblings!
I’m one of Annette’s piglets born here at Barn after the North Carolina rescue. I love being able to grow up with my siblings!
I’m one of Annette’s piglets born here at Barn after the North Carolina rescue. I love being able to grow up with my siblings!
I’m the Queen of the Pig Palace! Don’t mess with this mama and her crew.
I was lucky to be born at a sanctuary. I got the medical help I needed and now I’m thriving!
I’m one of Kim’s piglets born here at Barn after the North Carolina rescue. I love being able to grow up with my siblings!
I’m one of Kim’s piglets born here at Barn after the North Carolina rescue. I love being able to grow up with my siblings!
I’m one of Kim’s piglets born here at Barn after the North Carolina rescue. I love being able to grow up with my siblings!
I’m one of Kim’s piglets born here at Barn after the North Carolina rescue. I love being able to grow up with my siblings!
I’m one of Kim’s piglets born here at Barn after the North Carolina rescue. I love being able to grow up with my siblings!
I’m one of Kim’s piglets born here at Barn after the North Carolina rescue. I love being able to grow up with my siblings!
I’m one of Kim’s piglets born here at Barn after the North Carolina rescue. I love being able to grow up with my siblings!
I’m one of Kim’s piglets born here at Barn after the North Carolina rescue. I love being able to grow up with my siblings!
I am very happy and long to talk to visitors. I can’t wait to meet the other pigs!