Hi, I’m Little dude
Little Dude was rescued at only four days old with a bacterial infection in his back leg. The runt of the litter, he was found by a woman who noticed his injuries while touring a farm with her daughter. His siblings had chewed on his leg, and the wound and bone underneath were infected. She rescued him from the farm hoping he could have a better chance at life. She called us and the rest is a happier history.
Little Dude was in and out of the hospital for weeks. He wore a cast on his back leg but his cheerful piglet attitude never wavered. After the initial antibiotics failed to stop the infection, the surgical team removed the infected piece of bone to prevent the infection from spreading and threatening his his life. Because he was so young, the bone grew back normally and Little Dude was given a second chance at living a full, and happy life!
Little Dude defied the odds at a remarkably young age and captured the hearts of so many online followers in the process. Growing up alongside the farm’s dogs, goats, sheep and cows, he developed a versatile, laid-back attitude.
Sponsorships help us provide daily care, regular medical checkups, and cover any unexpected emergency care costs for each animal. Sponsor Little Dude to help us provide the care he deserves!