Hi, I’m KJ
In June of 2019, Barn Sanctuary was contacted about a newborn Nigerian Dwarf Goat on a dairy farm in Grandville, Michigan. One of the mother goats on the farm had a difficult labor due to the kid being breeched, so it was recommended by a veterinarian that the baby be pulled out with human assistance. Unfortunately, the kid’s tendon was severed in the process, leaving the baby goat with a badly damaged leg.
Despite the grave situation, it was apparent the baby goat had determination to persevere and In a final effort to avoid euthanasia, the farmer contacted Barn Sanctuary in hopes of giving the kid a chance at life.
The woman and her son brought the goat, later named Kelly Jr. (K.J.), to the sanctuary when she was just 2 days old. Dan immediately took her to Michigan State University (MSU) where they made her a splint using popsicle sticks and vet wrap. KJ was bottle fed and rehabilitated throughout the day and night and work. Within a few weeks, K.J.’s leg healed enough so that she was able to meet her new friends at the sanctuary.
Although K.J. is still our smallest goat, she has one of the biggest personalities. She loves being the center of attention, especially if it means causing a ruckus. She is an expert at parkour—jumping into volunteers’ muck buckets or off her own personal playground. On the rare occasion that she runs out of energy, she cuddles up with her roommates Charlie, Lola and Ginger.
Your sponsorship will help us provide daily care, regular medical checkups, and cover any unexpected emergency care. Please sponsor K.J. to provide her the help she deserves!